对高二英语Unit6 life in the future的教学案例分析
编辑/作者:曾庆菊        发布时间:2006-01-10      阅读:8341
  儋州市第一中学 >> 校本课程 >> 论文 >> 英语  
    一、教学背景:综合技能(Integrating skills)

    本单元围绕life in the future这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动,让学生想象未来人们的住房、交通、商业、医药与健康、知识与教育等方面,这些话题能激发学生的想象力,引起学生对未来人类生活的幻想和想象,培养发散性思维。学生通过本单元学习,能拓展知识,不仅了解到日前社会各个领域的发展状况,并且能学会科学地预测未来,让学生关注社会、了解社会,并为实现美好的未来而努力学习。

    在经过前几个课时“热身”(Warming up),“听力部分”(Listening),“口语”(Speaking),“读前”(Pre-reading),“阅读”(Reading),“读后”(Post--reading)和“语言学习”(Language study)后,学生对本单元的话题已形成基本框架,同时也掌握了一些新单词来描述未来,这些都为学生“综合技能”(Integrating skills)打下基础。

    “综合技能”(integrating skills)部分包括:


    2.阅读训练2:练习册(Workbook)里的阅读通过对farmers,marketing people,people who work with computers,以及teachers目前和未来工作状况和工作形式的比较,鼓励学生为在未来生活中找到立足之地而努力学习。

    3。写作训练:设想你刚从4367年旅游回来,你看到了一个叫Mogray的新发明,要求学生写一篇文章,解释What is a Mogray? What does it look 1ike? How does it work? What is it used for?通过表格列出了提纲和问题,供学生参考,为学生写作的内容利方法 做了指导。


    Teaching Procedures:

    Step1 Lead--in

    Welcome to our happy future English program. Just as usual, I’ll divide you into 4  groups. After our competition, we’ll choose the winner, and the winner will get a surprise. Our competition will begin.

    What was the life in the past?

    What’ll happen in 2008 in China?

    What will life be like in the year 4367 in China? (通过比较过去和现在,畅想未来,激发学生的创造性思维)。

    Ask 2 or 3 students to answer. Then let the students discuss in groups and design a question。

    Ask questions about the future in different areas of life, for example business, family life, transportation, education, etc.

    Make the students ask and answer these questions in the form of competition. Also tell them the rules of competition. If they ask 1 question, they’ll get 1 point. If they answer 1 question, also 1 point. 1 person can ask at most 2 questions. (to make more students to take part in the competition)

    Step 2 Reading

    Make a summary of the competition, and tell them to think over where the future is going?

     Read the passage on workbook. And then discuss in groups of four. Go on asking and answering questions about future according to this passage. (competition) For example: what’ll farmers do in the future? Read the first paragraph and fill in the chart.

    Makanika’s e-friend
    What does it look like?      How does it work?        What can it be used for?


     Step 3 Listening

     Let us enjoy a letter from Mekanika., Listen to the tape.: What does Mekanika tell us in the letter? (competition)

                      Main idea

Paragraph1       Mekanika describes an e-friend. She explains what it is.
                 What it looks like and how people use it.
Paragraph2       Mekanika describes an idea, namely virtual reality.

What is virtual reality? Could you please use an example to explain?


    Step 4 Speaking

     In the year of 2108, the world will totally change with the development of new technologies. Many new inventions will be made. Imagine one day your travel in the year of 2108 and see a wonderful machine called Mogray. Describe what a Mogray is.

    Work in pairs and decide what a Mogray is. We only know it is a thing or a machine. Complete the chart below.

    What does it look like?      How does it work?      What can it be used for?


    Step 5 Writing

    Use the chart above to help you write your paragraph. Correct one or two passages together with the students.(要求学生写一篇文章畅想一下未来生活是什么样子的,培养学生的想象能力)。

    Step6 Conclusion

    We cannot predict exactly how bright our future will be., but at least we have dreams and we can hope. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is present. That’s why we call it gift. So let’s value today!

    Step7 Homework

    Assign homework. Write their paragraph in exercise books.





